



Cu maleate complexes, copper-containing composites, quantum chemical modeling., X-ray phase analysis


Quantum chemical modeling (Gaussian 09, AIM2000, Chemcraft 1.8) of the interaction of copper atoms with acidic maleate complexes Cu+ [Cu(НМ)(Н2О)] made it possible to identify two types of thermodynamically stable binuclear π-complexes of the general composition [Cu2(НМ)(H2O)2]. Type A is characterized by a framework structure in which both Cu+ ions and Cu0 atoms form π-bonds with sp2-hybridized carbon atoms of the vinyl fragment of the maleate ion within separate six-membered cycles (-Cu-С-С=О-Н-О-). Type B is a linear σ-connection of a hydrated copper atom with the carboxyl oxygen of the maleate ion. The closeness of the formation energies of molecules A and B (114.39 kJ/mol and 127.84 kJ/mol, respectively) indicates a high probability of their simultaneous formation during the synthesis of the composite {Cu(НМ)+Cu}. X-ray diffraction analysis of composite samples confirmed that there is no metallic copper phase in it, but there is a phase of a new substance products of the interaction of Cu0 atoms with π-complexes [Cu(НМ)(Н2О)]. The analysis of the obtained results of our theoretical and experimental research indicates that during the synthesis of copper-containing composites {Cu(НМ)+Cu} by partial chemical reduction of maleate complexes of Cu+, a mixture of mononuclear π-complexes [Cu(HM)(H2O)] with various binuclear π-complexes [Сu2(НМ)(Н2О)2] is formed.


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Physical and inorganic chemistry